Our Country’s Christmas Customs! Greece

Students of Greece 2023-12-08

Every corner of Greece has a graceful number of holidays. They usually start on Christmas Eve, end on the 6th of January and revolve around family, wishes for good luck and a bountiful harvest. Some of them have already passed into the history of each place, while others remain to this day!

Follow our presentation to learn more: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRDqFvkeuNx67dvxLp5lxr5tkX13iJaC11wAXCxFnkmlF1auxBgYBeLQ7l1a91FRqr8wyX5d1adFB96/pub?start=false&;loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.p