A day in my life, Gymnasio Episkopis, Greece

Kleio 2024-02-29

Weekdays are always pretty similar. Waking up quite early, taking care of my hygiene, and grabbing the first pair of jeans I come across inside my closet. I usually have no time for breakfast at home, since I prefer investing it on sleeping.

I’m able to manage my time quite well, yet somehow I always end up arriving late at school, after organizing my schedule and schoolwork for the day. Time goes by terribly slowly during most classes, but can seem fun if observed from a different perspective. Friends and I usually spend our breaks playing volleyball or chatting while eating snacks.

School is dismissed around 2, but is completely depended on the day’s program. Having my dad pick me up, once I get home, I start preparing for my schedule for the next day, as well as my private classes which take up a lot of my time and energy during afternoons. Around that time my mother arrives from work, and my father and I usually enjoy lending her a hand in tidying around and setting the table. All three of us get to talking about our day and generally spend some quality time together while having lunch.

After finishing, I put on some music in my room and take a nap to regain energy and relax, which are much needed and my favorite part of the day. I set my alarm around an hour before my private classes, only to take a quick shower and grab a small snack, maybe a fruit-salad. After my lesson ends, I finally have some time left for myself, usually spending it reading a literature book, sketching on my notebook or watching a cozy movie until I feel sleepy enough to give it up and get ready for bed.

If you want to see a tour of our school click on this link: https://youtu.be/tCc1ZhawkKE