EU project

Emelie, Jessica, Johanna, Julia & Madeleine 2008-02-25

From the left: Jessica, Julia, Madeleine, Johanna & Madeleine
Bild:Jonas Åhlund
From the left: Jessica, Julia, Madeleine, Johanna & Madeleine

Our group consists of five keen girls who are looking forward to working on this EU project. We will attempt at doing the best work as possible involving one of our most prestigious cultural heritage, Drottningholms Castle just outside our capital city of Stockholm.

Our age group ranges from 14 to 15 with a variety of interests during our spare time: boxing, horseback riding, gymnastics and bowling.
We aim to do our best work and eventually do a film reporting on our findings. Newspaper articles are on the agenda, interviews and procure some tourist information about Sweden will be included.
We are looking forward to meeting our friends in this project which are students from the spanish and the turkish school as well as discovering your countries.
Hope we will meet you soon.
Emelie, Jessica, Madeleine, Johanna and Julia as well as the project leaders.