Our friends from Italy

Laura Vila 2008-05-01

Our Italian friends arrived on February the 27.We met them at the bus stop.We spent together a very good time!!!!!!.

We showed them a lot of interesting places here in Asturias.We went out, we stayed on the beach, we went shopping…It was a really good experience for remember all the life!!!!!!.
We learnt other types of life, music, food, clothes……
It was a very important experience in our lives but, not only because of the culture, but also ,we’ve got new and good friends forever.
They came back home on March the 3, but it’s not the end; we’ll meet them on May, and we’ll stay there for a week.I’m really excited !!I’ll take a lot of photos so I won’t never forget it!!!!!!!!.Now, we’ve got good memories to tell to our grandchildren.