Italian humor

Monica Creati 2008-05-01

IT'S OK!!!

At the museum, a man is sitting on a chair. The keeper says: you cant stay here, this is the chair of Luigi XV!
The man answers: " ok! Where's the problem? When he arrives, I'll go away.

Oh, wonderful!!!!!!

A marshal, seeing that the officer has his arm bandaged, asks him: Lobbuono, what's happened to you?
And he answers: a dog has bitten me.
Have you disinfected it?
No, because it has run away....

It's fantastic!!!

Two friends decide to do a travel to the sun. A man asks them:" how will you do with the heat?" and they said: "simple: we'll go during the night!!! "


King Arthur is looking for an archer, so he proclaims a tournament.
two days later, a man comes to the Royal Palace. He puts an apple on the king's son's head, he shoots an arrow and breaks the apple. Then he says to the king:
-I am William Tell.
The day after another man arives, who shoots the arrow and breaks the apple on the head of the baby, too. then he says to the king:
-I am Robin Hood.
the day after, a foreigner comes to the Palace, and he shoots an arrow. but instead of breaking the apple, he hits the baby and killes him. Then he says to the furious king:
-I am...sorry!!!