Scientific Liceum Alessandro Volta

Fabio Pacini 2008-05-01

We like informatics.
We like informatics.

In our school there are about 700 students, it isn’t a very big school. Now we have to study 9 subjects: Italian, Religion, Latin, History, Art, Maths, English, Science and Physical Education but next year we will study other subjects like Physics or Philosophy.

We have to study in this school for 5 years and after that we have a final
exam which contains all subjects. After school we might go to university.
In our institute there are two gyms, a Physics and Informatic labs, and also
a quite big library.

Our ideal school

I think there are several things that could change in my school, for example there
should be much more attention for new technologies and scientific subjects: for example,
in spite of being a scientific Liceum we have never gone to the laboratory.

However, our school is a very good school, and we are proud of being part of that.