About a visit to Turkey

Ignacio Rodriguez Alonso, Sonica Lucas and Noelia Salmerón 2009-05-29

All of us together.
All of us together.

In this article you can read three short stories about the trip to Turkey. They are all three written by spanish students telling you who about their personal experience from this journey.

Before going to Turkey my thoughts and my expectations were different from what I saw when I arrived there. So my view of the country has changed. We have been to Istanbul. It is the biggest city I have ever been to. It has got a lot of mosques and historical buildings to visit and so many excellent places to enjoy. There are a lot of different people in the street because several cultures mix here. The three countries have shared a piece of our lives and enjoyed the exchange. I´m sure we will remember this experience for the rest of our lives.


This exchange has been a great experience for all of us.
We have visited beautiful places (the most beautiful places my eyes have seen until now) and we have improved our English. But this is not all. We have been living with people (such great people) from other cultures... And for me this has been the most beautiful thing of the project. Three cultures mixing. I've learnt to live together with an absolutely different culture, and I've learnt to respect the different customs.
I've felt great living with Turkish people. So well that I'm already looking forward to going back.I'll never forget this experience and the people I've met.


Three countries

The spanish team.
The spanish team.

Three different cultures. 32 students. 23 teachers. Two continents. And just one destiny: Comenius World Heritage Project. Thanks to this project we have visited fantastic cities like Istanbul, Madrid and Stockholm, we have improved our level of English and the most important thing: we have made a lot of charming friends all over the world. We will never forget it.

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