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My free time

Francesco Cigna 2008-05-01

In my free time I love fishing. I usually go fishing in Staggia creek, in the Elsa river and at Marri's waterfall with my friends. I use my motorbike to go fishing. I fish with two rods in creeks and in rivers but I use only one rod in waterfalls, because there are careful fish. Another thing I like to do in my free time is riding a bike.

I have a wonderful mountain bike and I ride my bike in the city and in the country side.
I spend the weekend and a big part of my free time at the church because I'm a member of "Gruppo Tecnico PSS" and I teach religion. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon I work with my friend Giovanni to settle the things broken, on Sunday morning we go to mass because I'm Master of Ceremonies and on Tuesday afternoon I teach children in the second course.

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