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Peace day at Colegio Auseva (II)

Nacho Carreira 2008-05-01

Peace day is a special day, and so in Oviedo and at our school, Auseva, we put up a peaceful village, where we can find peaceful things such as: A tattoo stall, a cyber with peaceful games, a wish-tree, a bracelet stall and a page marker one. All this is available if you pay a peaceful, which is our solidarity currency.

The most important issue of the day is peace, to live a day in harmony with your friends, without arguments or rows, all enjoying a great day together.
We are aware of the fact that peace is not lived all throughout the world and we know that not everybody lives an easy life, and that is why we celebrate the peace day, a peaceful demonstration of this feeling, peace in the world while following the example of its most firm defender, Ghandi.

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