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Aggressiveness at the wheel

David Ruivo 2008-05-01

Bild:Anger causes many crazy acts.

To park in second line, circulate glue to the bumper of the front vehicle or insult other drivers are some of the behaviours that really annoy me.

Imagine that you are driving and suddenly you are knocked out by somebody else’s maximums that, after some light signals, refuses to reduce his/her lights, making your life miserable. This really annoys me and I really think sociability on the road is far from being peaceful. Sometimes we are “attacked” with obscene gestures; others verbally offended causing great irritability.
In Portugal, these situations are more common in city roads and I’m forced to agree that this aggressiveness creates even more negative attitudes, sometimes leading to physical attacks or dangerous manoeuvres. Almost everything can happen when it comes to driving. Sometimes, I just hate driving.

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