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El amagüestu

Sandra Rodríguez, Gloria Menéndez, & Laura Vila and Marta Gaitán 2008-05-01

We are in November. Autumn has already come and with it, chestnuts. The chestnut is a very typical nut in Asturias; it is brown and small.

In the Amagüestu feast it is the main food, and it is cooked in many ways boiled, baked, with honey, with milk ... but the most popular way is baked.
They are baked in a fireplace or an oven; now for the Autumn you can buy them in many places.
The day of the Amagüestu children decorate chestnuts and they use them as ornaments at their homes.
With chestnuts we usually drink “sidra” but this depends on what you like to drink.

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