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R.I.P. Anna Lindh

Daniel Eriksson 2008-05-01

The 11 september year 2003, our foreign minister Anna Lindh was brutaly killed in one of our biggest department stores in Stockholm, NK.

Today, three weeks after her death it seems like the 11 september is our new accident day. 2 years ago it was The world trade center and today we miss Anna Lindh. To me Anna Lindh wasn´t just another politician, she was also a very big face for Sweden. Some people say that she was one of the best things with Sweden others say that she only became appreciated after her death. but the most of us know that she was a hell of a politician and gave up the most of her time for the people and Sweden. I´m very dissapointed at Sweden as a country, you should be able to feel safe where ever you are.

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