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Carla Gamboa Show

Mónica Godinho e Ana Torpes 2008-05-01

Carla Gamboa Show is a group that exist from about 15 (fifteen) years. Since the fifteen years old the singer has published several cd´s.

Carla Gamboa Show is a group that exist from about 15 (fifteen) years.
Since the fifteen years old the singer has published several cd´s.
This group had two dancers like Susana Roldão e Vera, but with the years passing by something’s had change.
The dancers were changed for other dancers.
In the end of 11 (eleven) years of career the singer had contacted Ana Torpes proposing her to dance and sing in her group.
Ana accepted, and the she sign a contacted to dance and sing.
O many cd´s were published, and also many “Tours” were made from the North to South in the Country, even in other countries.

This group is a Portuguese Group and playing Pop-Rock music.
It is also considerate a very united group, with the singer, dancers and all the responsible “crew” that co-ordinates the group.
After 4 (four) years the company of the group, Ana Torpes decided to out the group, because she didn’t wanted to leave school, but she still as hope come back again

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Ansvarig utgivare:   Jonas Åhlund
Webmaster:   Jonas Åhlund
Redaktion:   Ella, Erik, Edvin, Victoria, Emilia, Ebba, Nova, Alba, Harriet, Stella, Lea, Elisia, Linn, Vera, Lova-Li, Lykke, Jonatan