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I Had Forgotten

Erica Söderberg 2009-09-30

Bild:Moa Lindkvist

This is an example of the excercise twenty words.

I was cooking when my boyfriend came up behind me. He asked me, "What's the dish of the day?"
"I'm making a tasty steak and I am following the recipe,"
"Mm, it smells good," he said with a smile.
"It will be very spicy."
"Great!" he sounded a bit ironic. His smile had disappeared. "What? Do you not want me to add some spices?"

He looked at me for a few seconds. He broke the awkward silence by walking away. I was confused and stunned at the same time. I know that he had always been fussy about my food, he always wanted a healthy-diet, but there is no reason to be angry
I went back to cooking. When it was time to eat I put the skimmed milk on the table and added some napkins.
"Help yourself!" He didn't react. He sat and stared at me.
"There will be gateau for dessert; I am going to bake it when we've finished the steak."
"Would you like some crisp bread, loaf of bread or toast too?"
"No," he sounded sad. He stared at the food on his plate.
"Be careful! It's hot!"
He looked at me when he raised his fork.
"Are you allergic to something, because you're not eating?" I said, tried to catch his eye.
"No, I am not."
"Then what is it?"
"We've been together for 4 months and you don't know?"
I thought about it for a moment, and no, I couldn't figure it out."I am a vegetarian, remember?"

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