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Läsvärt från engelskaundervisningen i årskurs 8

Jonas Åhlund 2012-11-06

Läs vad en elev med mycket goda kunskaper i engelska skriver om olika transportmedel.
Läs vad en elev med mycket goda kunskaper i engelska skriver om olika transportmedel.

Eleverna i årskurs 8 har, under lektionerna i engelska, haft i uppgift att att skriva om de positiva och negativa sidorna med att cykla samt att ta bilen eller åka med kollektiva färdmedel. De skulle också fundera kring frågeställningarna:
1. Should parents drive their children to school, after school activities and friends?
2. Should the police be strict with drivers that go over the speed limit?
I den här artikeln kan du läsa vad eleven Lukas Johansson anser om ovanstående frågeställningar.


Bicycle: There are many great advantages of traveling by bicycle. Not just for yourself, but for everyone else and the environment. By taking the bicycle instead of your car for instance, you keep fit and don’t poison the air all the gases that come from an engine. You also won’t get stuck in traffic if you’re travelling through the city. However, there are still disadvantages of bicycling; it takes more time than going by car or bus, if you’re not in good shape it can be exhausting, and if you need to travel long distances, it’s just not an option because of both the previous mentioned factors. In conclusion, if you live relatively close to work (or wherever your destination may be) it’s a great option because of the healthy aspects for yourself and the environment. If you’re travelling long distances, a car or some sort of motorized vehicle is still the best option in my opinion.

Car: Driving a car also has its many advantages and disadvantages. The car has been around for many years now and has become a very important part of our every day life. The cars have improved a lot over the years and there is more and more advanced technology. The advantages of driving a car are pretty self explanatory; it goes fast and you only have to press three pedals in the case of a car with manual gearbox, and only two if it’s automatic. The car itself is a great invention. It’s the fuel that drives the car that is harmful. The gas is made from oil which we have a limited amount of. Oil takes a long time to develop into the form where it is useful for us. At the speed we consume it, it’s eventually going to run out! When an engine uses fuel, harmful gases are created and let out of the exhaust pipe of the car into the air. These gases hurt the atmosphere and will eventually make it so bad, that life on this planet will be impossible. Because of this it is very important to find an alternative fuel to drive engines and machines. Progress has been made with new types of the fuel we use now, electric and hybrid cars. These types of vehicles decrease the amount of gases let out in the atmosphere, but it’s not enough. The car is an essential part of everyday life and just getting rid of it wouldn’t work. That’s why it’s very important to continue to develop the car and make it friendlier to the environment. The question is, is there enough time?

Public transportation: Public transportation is very interesting because of how much it differs in different parts of the world. In some cities it is huge and many people travel with it every day, in others, it hardly exists at all. I think most people who use public transportation probably do it because they don’t have a car, or it’s just easier if you’re going in to an area with dense traffic for example. There is another advantage though, that most people probably aren’t aware of, or just don’t think about as much. Public transportation is much better for the environment than travelling by car. Imagine if everyone on the bus would drive a car instead. That would be many, many more engines spitting out terrible gases and destroying the atmosphere. So if everyone took the bus or subway instead, we would do the earth a huge favour. Of course public transportation isn’t all good. Nothing really is. There are a few disadvantages of going by bus, metro or tram that makes taking your car much more comfortable. First of all, public transportation needs to suit many people that all wants to go to a different destination. That’s why it needs to stop every now and then to let people off, and let more people on. If you’re driving yourself you obviously don’t need to do that, and it will result in a much faster travel time.

“Should parents drive their children to school, after-school activities, or friends? Why or why not?”

I think it depends on the situation. If your child needs to go a long way from your home, you might not want them to go by public transportation for hours. If they want a ride to their friend’s house next door however, you might want to reconsider. Letting your children walk or bicycle to school for example, will allow them to get daily exercise and will cost less money than buying gas or bus tickets everyday. So in conclusion, giving your son or daughter a ride every now and again is okay, but it’s much better to let them walk or take their bicycle.

“How strict should the police be with drivers when driving over the speed limit?”

I think police should be pretty strict but use some common sense. It’s all about finding a nice balance. If someone is going a little bit over the speed limit, but isn’t hurting anyone I think the police shouldn’t fine them. However, if a police officer pulls someone over who went way over the allowed speed and their only excuse is “I want to get home quick.” they should defiantly get a fine. Speed limits exist for a reason, to make the roads safer. They should be followed, but going a little bit faster if you’re in a rush should be allowed in my opinion.

Kommentera Tipsa en vn Skriv ut

1. NICE!! Anders på Riggen 2012-11-07

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